From 2002 onward Jen has been presenting to a wide variety of audiences about the basic catechesis behind the Theology of the Body and how to apply it.  Audiences have included elementary school children, teens, Confirmation students, college students, couples, parents, educators, diocesan employees, NFP instructors and crisis pregnancy counselors.

These titles and descriptions are adjusted appropriately for the audience at hand (age group, overall direction of the discussion, etc.); they serve only as an informational starting point to discuss what would best serve your group. 

Who are we and why are we here?

Used as the launching point of every presentation (and thus typically paired with one of the topics below), this talk covers the baseline Theology of the Body concepts, set within the context of the universal storyline of salvation history.  Emphasis is placed upon the combination of body and soul, our unrepeatable gift of self, and the battle raging between union with and division from God.

Applying Theology of the Body language to difficult topics

Using “free, total, faithful, and fruitful” and “gift of self” as the criteria for loving as God loves, this talk explores how to apply Theology of the Body language when addressing major moral teachings of the Catholic Church.  Though it can certainly serve as a “chastity talk”, this material takes us to the heart of why (not just what) we believe about gender identity, same-sex attraction, marriage, contraception, euthanasia, and on down the list.

Building Blocks: bringing the Theology of the Body to every age group”  (or, “what does the body have to do with Faith Formation??”)

This seminar walks through the fundamental vocabulary that can be used to succinctly explain the main concepts of the Theology of the Body to a wide spectrum of learners (first graders, RCIA classes, one-hour-per-week Religious Education students, secular clients, etc.).  Emphasis will be on how it integrates with the entirety of our Catholic Christian faith, the common ground of every age group, and key points that get to the heart of difficult application questions.

The Theology of the Body and Sacraments

Boring title but a mind-blowing glimpse into God’s plan for feeding and strengthening us in body and soul through each  Sacrament.

Male & Female He Created Them: a Theology of the Body Couples Retreat” (or, “… : Vocation Preparation for Life”)

An evening retreat explores the meaning of being made “equal but different” by covering the common-ground elements of personhood, the call to give and receive love, and the beauty of our unrepeatability.  The weekend version is a complete Marriage Preparation retreat, with talks on the Theology of the Body, the Sacrament of Marriage, Moral Issues & NFP, Temperaments, Love Languages, Communication, and Prayer Life (an optional Finance video can also be added).

This retreat can be treated in a universal or focused manner.  A more universal retreat could be open to singles and couples, demonstrating the concepts, personal awareness, and skills that prepare us for living life with other people and making a gift of self (work, friendship, Married life, Religious communities, etc.).  A focused retreat, on the other hand, could address Marriage in particular with a group of dating, engaged, and/or Married couples.

Keeping it real: personhood and vocational discernment

Remembering our body-soul reality as persons made in the image of God can go a long way in understanding vocation options.  This talk explores the similarities and differences of the two major Vocations, addresses the “single life” question, wades through a few common pitfalls of discernment, and re-centers the conversation on the ultimate goal of making a total, unrepeatable gift of self – no matter what your state in life.


Are you ready to discuss options?  Start the conversation!

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